
Texmaker vs lyx
Texmaker vs lyx


When some eror occur on compile time (if insert mistake command manually, will occur error when visualize/update DVI, PS or PDF), the error are marked using one icone on corresponding positin and the navegation tools will search these errors. It was good LaTeX file import features too.

texmaker vs lyx


The LaTeX source code exported by LyX is very celan. The most significant diference is typeset of formula that keyboard is much faster than mouse click. Thus, is recomended to study LaTeX in way to increase document typeseting. In general, the medium knowledge on LaTeX will typeset more fast than basic knowledge ones. Learnning more laTeX commands, increase typeset speed. Due to friendly interface, will produce hight quality document without or with small bit of LaTeX knowledge. The interface of LyX is similar to the comercial editor Scientific Work Place for Windows, but LyX is lightweight and integrate very well with LaTeX.


Thus will use user defined command, or command that are not suported by LyX user interface, or that the user does not know how to perform on LyX. To support more advanced user, the LyX permit to insert LaTeX command block directly into document. Due to these, the document editing on document with mathematical formula on LyX and TeXMacs are too fast as source code editing. Thus, is not necessary to use mouse, increasing significantly the typeset speed (who does not know LaTeX, will thing that use of mouse is easy form, but direct typping of LaTeX command is much faster than use of mouse - seems that the sequence of command on Scientific Work Place to produce equations are not same of the LaTeX ones. But due to LaTeX command support on LyX and TeXMacs, permit to input LaTeX sequence of command inside formula that are interpreted and converted automatically to corresponding equations. The text will edited as text editor and the mathematical equations, indec entry, cross reference, etc will created using menu and tools bar. The user does not necessary to know LaTex comand. These kind of applications are not the "front end". The Scientific Work Place (comercial) has similar support, but the LyX skip almost of these features and becames most light weight and effcient ones to edit document (comparation include comercial ones). TeXmacs is not light weight, but is usefull to produce scientific report due to CAS (Computer Algebvra Sistem) integration like MathCAD (comercial) for windows. edoc seems good editor, but it doen not have apropriate support for equations.


LyX is the WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) style LaTeX editorthat use LaTeX to process documents, in similar way to Scientific Work Place (comercial) for windows, TeXMacs (freeware) for Linux (run on windows using cygwin ) and edoc (freeware - cross platform).


In way to use syncTeX features, need to install recent version of Okular (think that 2half latter of year 2009 or latter). Thus explain only the required setup process. These editor and viewer is normally easy to install using package manager. LaTeX Editor For beginers, the kile and TeXmaker is most recomended choice as editor, and okular is best choice for viewer.

texmaker vs lyx

  • SciDAVis and Microcal Origin like ones.
  • texmaker vs lyx

    Graphhics Editors Specialized for LaTeX.The best choice is to use TeX commands for all punctuated characters that is independent of encoding used by editor. The TeXMaker/TeXmakerX will edit using more recomended UTF-8 (utf8x on LaTeX) on Windows too, but almost Windows user does not like to made any adjustments on ther environments. For example, portuguese is ISO-8869-1 (latin1 for LaTeX). If you country use punctuated characters and interact with windows users, is nice to configure encodding on editor to mach with encodings used by Windows of your country. Is recomended to configure editor/viewer in way to activate editor/viewer integration (forward/inverse search). The almost aplications presented here is cross platform and will be used from windows too. Thus see on repositories of your distro before try the file on developer site.

    texmaker vs lyx

    Here, present ssetup for common used editor and viewer, and several applications that help the LaTeX users.The almost ones is on repository of almost linux distributions (the development site will not offer binary package for your distro). But some setup for their friends are recomended. The (La)TeX system is easylly installed in linux distributions, using their own package managers.

    Texmaker vs lyx